The ever-so talented Ashley asked that I blogsit for her while she travels to the wild edges of Alaska.
Sure, I say. What an honor...What a privilege...What fun!
While she dips her icy toes into the dark Alaskan waters...
Join me. Grab a long cool drink...We are heading to
a whole other edge of the world...
Separated from civilization by a sweep of meandering lagoon and white sands
With no neighbours and a maximum of just 28 guests, this Bahia Coast Beach hotel is like a private slice of paradise.
It is all about hammock snoozes, rainforest wanders and just
Its 14 spacious cabãnas are surrounded by lush jungle, and are adorned with a smart mix of bright white and bold colours...
each has it's own outdoor shower
Hotel Fazenda de Lagoa is practically the definition of beach-shack chic.
A fine line exists between indoor and outdoor living...
don't we all need that...
once in awhile? well, maybe not so much in Alaska.
In the alcove library, carefully curated floor-to-ceiling titles are interrupted only by wooden sculpture of a white bird surrounded by flowers.

and of course, the requisite billowy spa area
Fazenda da Lagoa....what a colorful, sunny respite
and, uh, Ashley...can you bring some Ice when you come back?
for our long cool drinks?
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