The hectic holidays and overall state of the world right now definitely takes its toll. That's why I think it's more important than ever to create a haven that is orderly and beautiful. Try to keep possessions limited to only those that are beautifully designed and functional (often things well designed are beautiful and functional.) Hold on to items that have always been there for you and stood the test of time. If possible, repair them if needed and treat them well. Opt for natural or recycled materials, as it will make your home healthier, and give you peace of mind, therefore making you healthier. I know this is all easier said then done, and unfortunately natural, well made items are often costly (but a good investment.) If this really speaks to you I also recommend reading this post on Wabi Sabi - Also,you might consider looking into feng shui. The main thing I need to work on is creating to-do lists and staying focused. It takes practice, but I'm getting better at it, and I've definitely found that when I have an actual, tactile to-do list and keep it at hand, moving from one task to the next, I get so much done and feel great at the end of the day. Okay, I'm ranting. The point of all this was to introduce you to the simple-life inspiring Brooklyn store, Brook Farm General Store. Remember this image from my
autumn inspiration post?

The image is from Brook Farm General store, and I thought it warranted a cyber-visit. I used to live in the Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where it's located, but I think I moved before they arrived.

Lamp Gras, the original architect light.

Look at little Nutmeg on the left, so cute!

Isn't the shop beautiful?
They also sell vintage finds.

These brushes have an interesting story -
"These beautiful brushes are handmade in Sweden from local wood and all natural fibers. Traditionally, in Europe, visually impaired craftsmen and women would make brooms and brushes by hand. Iris Handverk has continued this craft, designing brushes each with their own individual function.
These are the most comfortable, effective brushes we have ever used, and the fact that they are part of a centuries old tradition only makes them more desirable. The type of wood used for the handle and the natural fibers used for the bristles are chosen based on the designated purpose of each brush, so you can be sure that you are getting the best possible tool for your specific job."

What do you think? See anything you like?
Visit the
Brook Farm General store website
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