Green and Glam... a house that proves you can have both

*tip - click on each image if you want a closer view

check out the gorgeous rough backsplash

A clever way to create a laundry room if you don't have one

amazing coffee table, amazing cabinet, amazing floors!

I've been loving navy lately

Not crazy about the laser cut mirrors - but otherwise this foyer is gorgeous...

What do you think about this home?

via Pure Green Living
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Gorgeous interiors from some of my favorite blogs...

The one thing I miss about the days before I started blogging was that I actually had time to explore the blogs that I love and that inspired me to start blogging in the first place. Well, that's why I started regularly posting groups of images from my favorite blogs - so I get to visit my favorite sites, but still feel like I'm being productive.

In no particular order...

Below are finds from the always elegant Belle Vivir

this is a bathroom!

You can probably tell the 4 yummy images below are Scandinavian interiors, from the wonderfully Scandinavian themed Designpiration

I love this kitchen!!!  It's very rustic, but I think I could manage just fine...

The below are from the lovely "Oh So Beautiful Paper"

these bedrooms are heaven

This amazing cabinet is from the Two's Company display at last year's NYIGF.

You have read this article antique / eclectic bathroom / favorite images from my favorite blogs / home office / outdoor bed / romantic bedroom / rustic kitchen / scandinavian interiors / tabletop / wallpaper / white interiors with the title August 2011. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

A bright, airy, and elegant home

A lot of super luxe and elegant homes are often done in richer, darker tones, and heavier fabrics. I thought this home was interesting in that it still looks very refined and elegant, but is also very airy and bright.

The ceiling in this bedroom is AMAZING.  Can't beat the light, either.

Another amazing ceiling.  It almost feels like a giant lighthouse!

What do you think?  Do you like this elegant and light look?
via TradHome
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Making the details count

I love the little "moments" in a person's home where you just have to stand and let your eye travel around the nook, shelf, or table top where you find the little details that speak volumes about the owner.

I think these shelves are from the home of Jen Ramos of Made by Girl
via Adore Home Mag

Love the wallpaper on the back of the shelves - you can tell this person has a feminine aesthetic and pays great attention to detail.
via BHG

via Ivy and Piper

Possibly the most adorable and chic little kitchen ever.
via Adore Home Mag

via calle pompón

What spot or room in your home speaks the most about you? What does it say?
You have read this article chic kitchen / decorating shelfs / scandinavian interiors / stainless steel kitchen / still life / vignette / white kitchen / writing desk with the title August 2011. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

Dining rooms in all flavors

Some dining room love for you guys today! Anybody else on the east coast feel that shake yesterday? I'm right outside DC so it was pretty scary here!

via Adore Home mag

via Concrete Wall

LOVE the large tree branch!
2 above via Elle Decor

via High Gloss


I have to paint our table - it's so sad right now.  I love how the feet of this one look dipped in gold!
You have read this article breakfast nook / centerpieces / dining room / eames chair / faux finishes / mixing patterns / modern retro with the title August 2011. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

House Tour: An airy Arizona home - light and airy with gorgeous antiques

This home is so subtly glamorous and elegant, but the classic furniture in tougher textures keeps the place kid friendly...

The desk and chair are such a great pair but I never would have thought of putting them together

so pretty...

Event the breakfast table is elegant, but doesn't look too fragile or dainty

The table and chairs are perfect

This home was designed by Sasha Adler and Lauren Gold of Nate Berkus Interiors.
via Trad Home
You have read this article elegant interiors / house tour / natural textures / reclaimed wood furniture / traditional interior with the title August 2011. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

To have a space for dreaming and solitude...

You know how some people get all of their energy from being around other people, and how other people need "alone time" to energize? Well, I'm definitely one of the later. I grew up on an almost 200 acre farm on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, so being alone and outside was a part of my daily life and something I really took for granted. Obviously, living in NYC for 3 years I never experienced that, and though I loved it - I never truly felt unwound. I have found a happy in between where I am now, but looking at these gorgeous retreats makes me long for a hidden spot in nature where I can go and decompress.

What do you do or where do you go when you need to decompress and unwind?

so, so, so pretty



a retreat in Sri Lanka...

and in France
1 -3 via Pinterest  4-5 via Richard Powers
You have read this article barn / exterior / France / garden / retreat / serene / shed / Sri Lanka / tent / treehouse with the title August 2011. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!